Heads up everyone, there is another batch of malware emails going around. This time there is as a receipt from The Music Zoo, a Monthly Invoice from Microsoftonline, and one that says “Your withdrawal of $10,293.84 has been approved…” . These contain dangerous attachments that if you open will potentially cause damage and data loss on your computer. There are variants going around that contain a crypto-locker that will rename and encrypt your personal files.

Unless you specifically purchased anything from The Music Zoo, or have arranged a withdrawal of $10k, do not open any email from them. DELETE them right away.
This goes for any email you receive that looks odd or is from a business that you have no dealings with, or aren’t expecting an email from.

It is always a safer practice to delete an email you are unsure of than to open it and have your computer and data infected or compromised. If you do delete something legitimate, such as a bill or invoice from a company they will typically follow it up with another email or a phone call after 7-14 days.

Music Zoo Email Scam

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